Tree & Plant Health Care

Trees and hedges along an office hardscape.
Properly maintained trees and plants add value and functionality to your property.

Properly maintained trees and shrubs add significant value to your properties, while improperly maintained or neglected trees and shrubbery can become a liability to property managers and community members. Unlike turfgrass, which can easily be renovated seasonally, trees and shrubbery need to be managed with a long-term view in mind to ensure they add value for decades to come. Shade trees often have life expectancies of a hundred years or more, but only when they are planted in an appropriate location and given proper cultural care. As they mature, their needs can change dramatically: young trees may require supplemental nutrients, whereas stately, mature trees may get all the nutrients they require from other incidental sources. Similarly, the once-upon-a-time “small hedge” of hollies that, twenty years later, has taken over the entryway signs, will have different needs than those that were just planted last summer. From transplanting 100-year-old live oaks to establishing newly installed dwarf yaupon holly, we have been subject matter experts since 1976.

Whether your site is brand new and needs some extra TLC to get established correctly, or you have inherited a functionally obsolete landscape that needs to be evaluated for next steps, we can help! Our team of professionals is here to help you make the best decisions for the care of the landscape investments you manage.